Many well known quotes which are well known and ocmmonly cited in the Arab world are attrubuted to Omar Al Mukhtar. Below are a sample of the most well known of his quotes.
“Even in defeat we will not bow down. We will rise again and fight.”
“The suppressor fears our unity more than our weapons.”
“Victory is not always measured by territory gained; it is measured by the spirit of a nation.”
“We fight not only for our own freedom, but for the dignity and honor of our people.”
“The spirit of resistance can never be extinguished by threats or bullets.”
“We will never surrender to the enemy; we will fight until our last breath”
“We fight not for personal glory, but for the liberation of our people.”
“Every act of defiance weakens the oppressor and strengthens our cause.”
“The struggle for freedom is a long and difficult one, but it is worth every sacrifice.”
“Our faith is our greatest strength; with it we can fight any obstacles.”
“Our unity is our strength; together, we can achieve the impossible.”
“Our enemy may have technology, but they will never understand our love for our homeland.”