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omar al mukhtar: the life and history of a libyan hero.
25 November 2024 - 31 December 2025. Online Exhibit.
From 1911 until the end of WWII, the Libyan people struggled for freedom from their Italian colonizers. The Libyan resistance was led by the indomitable Omar Al Mukhtar: ‘The Desert Lion’. The exhibit explores the life and history of Omar Al Mukhtar, the Italian colonisation of Libya and the ensuing struggle of the Libyan people against the colonial forces.
1 January 2023 - 30 November 2024. Online Exhibit.
From its opening in 1943 until its closure in 1970, Wheelus Air Force base provided a full home away from home for thousands of Americans in the Kingdom of Libya. At one period, the largest US military facility outside the US, Wheelus housed up to 15,000 Americans and offered its residents a high school, the largest military hospital outside the US, a shopping mall, a multiplex cinema, a bowling alley, restaurants, a beach club, and its own radio and TV station. This exhibit explored this unique microcosm of American life in Libya.
Cheerleading Squad, Wheelus Dependent High School Yearbook, 1967-1968.